Your Data. Your People.

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So many questions. Let us deal with the solutions

At DT Consulting, we want to help you get the best out of your database. As exciting a topic as it sounds, it is the lifeblood of much of your organisation’s activity.

And we can be there, understanding the issues, answering the questions and giving you the tools to achieve your goals.wrist wraps

What We Do

We offer a range or services aimed at making your database a more pleasant and useful experience.

Your database should not to be shied away from, but embraced as an effective tool for maintaining contact between you and the people and organisations, that are your donors, volunteers, members, clients etc.

It need not be complicated and whether it is developing your existing CRM, getting staff more on board with training and improved understanding and processes, looking at your data structure, getting the right team in place or maybe assessing and implementing a new database, we can help.

A successful database is a worthwhile investment, both in terms of time and money; a neglected database wastes both of these.

We are always looking to expand what we can offer our clients, and we do like a challenge! To get an idea, here is a basic list of our core services.

If you would like to discuss these, or any other areas of database work we may be able to help with, then please feel free to contact us.

Raiser’s Edge NXT – Thinking about the move? It’s easier than you think.

Database Review – Are you optimising your database?/Are you making the most of your database?

Training – Based on your data and tailored to suit your needs

Processes and Procedures  – Nail down your processes and ensure greater understanding

Data Cleaning – Get advice on your data cleaning requirements, the advantages and pitfalls

Gift/Direct Debit Processing – Building a consistent approach to gift data across the organisation

Procurement – Make sure you pick the right solution

Implementation – Ensuring you start off on the right foot

Raiser’s Edge Software Audit – Optimise the performance of your Raiser’s Edge database; don’t be held back.

Hiring and Building Teams – Make sure you have the right team in place to carry your database forward

General Database Management – Temporary cover or shaping a new role

Why Consultancy?

There can be a number of reasons for getting people like us to come in to sort out your database. These are some of the typical issues and complaints we have heard time and again (see if any of these are familiar):

“The database doesn’t work”

“Just get a new one!”

“I can’t get what I want out of it!”

“We don’t really know how to use it, so we don’t really bother.”

“We keep things on spreadhseets…”

“Why can’t you just get me a report on…? (insert any number of things)”

It doesn’t have to be this way.

The database should be a critical tool for your organisation, helping you to maximise your ROI and nurture relationships – but all too often it becomes a neglected resource. Either it may not have been implemented properly or, over time, standards have been allowed to slide.

With some time, care and attention, the database can be made to work for you. If it is not providing you with what you need, then it is vital that a: all possibilities have been explored and b: any replacement is scoped out properly to ensure it is capable of delivering.

Very often frustration is caused by a lack of process, knowledge or training. The trick is working out whether it is the database that is not up to scratch or if developing the existing technology would be of greater, and more cost effective, benefit.

If you think you are looking for a new database, you might not be. But, if it comes to that then there is a minefield of information out there. It is important you make an informed choice. The key is in knowing exactly what you want out of it and finding the solution that matches these requirements.

We know, from running and working with busy teams, that development projects can be difficult to run alongside the day-to-day goings on. Having a third party on board to bring the different interests together, can provide the necessary focus and energy to keep projects on track and draw on the relevant expertise.

Whilst our specialisation is The Raiser’s Edge, we are fully independent and not tied to it as the be-all and end-all: It’s not all Raiser’s Edge!

Our Approach

Experience has taught us that there is often a gap to be bridged between IT/Database teams, vendors and users. The database is used by the users, and we have always worked to ensure that whatever we do, changes we make or systems we implement, they are with the user in mind.

Systems do not need to be over complicated and, to really get buy-in, they need to improve working-life and not create obstacles.

Whilst it is vitally important to develop a structured and consistent approach to the database, we believe it is crucial that this is not at the expense of the user. It has always been our goal to generate efficiency; tasks should not take longer than they need to.

It is key to engage users to find out what they need and what they want to achieve. We can then find the best way to do it, whether that is with existing tools or appropriating new solutions.

The database is not there for the database team; it is there to help the organisation to run better. Our job, as database experts, is to make sure that’s just what it does.


If you need our help with your database, have any questions or would like some advice, then please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.

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